Why Hotels Need to Upgrade their Security Systems In 2023
By GuardServicesUSA
Dec 21, 2022
The hospitality industry in the US is growing at a steady rate at of (CAGR) of 5.5 percent. Although the hospitality sector suffered a massive hit during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s now evident that business is back to usual in the hotel sector as guests continue to flock to hotels in the US.
To gear up for the next year’s expected tourism surge, hotels all over the world are investing in their infrastructure to attract more visitors than before. If you’re the owner of a hospitality establishment in the US, then it’s time for you to invest in a professional security guard service for your hotel.
Not sure how that’s going to benefit you in the coming days? Take a look below. We have shared a list of some reasons all hotels must be keen on investing in professional security services for 2023 and beyond!
To Ensure Guests’ Safety
This probably does not need to be spelled out but guests’ safety is a hotel’s biggest priority. You want to make sure that your guests, their belongings, and families are safe at all times while they are on your premises. Therefore, hiring security guards is crucial as you welcome more guests than before.
Protect Hotel Property
The hospitality business is one of the most expensive businesses to run. The millions of dollars invested in your hotel property, equipment, and furnishing must be safeguarded at all times. Therefore, having plainclothes security guards discretely patrolling your premises is crucial for keeping your property protected from intruders.
Improve Customer Experiences
People don’t just travel to rejuvenate, they also travel to gain new experiences that traveling offers. Your hotel is going to be a vital part of the story a traveler will go back and tell home. So if you want to be remembered as a great hospitality service that offered superior customer experience and ensured their safety and security, make sure your security arrangements are in order.
Avoid Unpleasant Situations
As with every hotel in the US right now, you must be anticipating a large number of visitors in 2023. However, managing a higher footfall has many more risks that you may not be equipped to deal with on your own.
To make sure that your hospitality business continues to run effectively without being impacted by any theft or vandalism scandals, hire security guards.
Improve Your Reputation
As a hospitality business,you cannot afford to get attention for the wrong reasons. But good publicity is always great for your hotel’s reputation and one that you should invest in. So what if we told you that a simple step such as hiring security guards for your hotel can help you improve its reputation and attract more customers? Doing so will make your guests and staff feel safe and valued.
Looking for Hospitality Security? Talk to Us!
Are you a hospitality business in the US, Canada, or Puerto Rico? Do you seek to hire an experienced security guard service for your establishment? Then connect with us at Guard Services USA. We offer uniformed security guard, armed and unarmed security guards, as well as security patrol services.
Contact us today.